Thursday, July 30, 2009

Embarking on a new venture

Think outside the box is a boutique consultancy based in Athens, Greece. The main focus of the practice is helping different clients create new concepts.

These concepts can be applied in many different industries or fields. A new concept might be a whole new brand; a new concept might be drafting and delivering a new branding strategy for the company; a new concept might be the theme of a corporate event incorporated in all communication elements; a new concept might be creating the design for a new residence; a new concept IS every think_outside_the_box solution to any given problem.

Don't stick to the oldies but goodies! Try something different, something innovative and creative! Think outside the box!

Think outside the box in a dining table

What happens when you got bored of the dining room? When the design of the chairs is a bit obsolete and definitely not matching your current mood? What if -on the other hand- your budget is limited? There are tons of options if you have some money to spend: change the table or the chairs, buy 6 different chairs, put a wallpaper on the background wall, etc. Our think_outside_the_box no-budget solution is to have the chairs wear some funky tees! Enjoy this dining table!